Breathing Coach

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Breathe Your Way to Better Health

Surely it can't be that simple?

By changing the way you breathe can change the quality of your life? The answer is simple and the result clear yes it can. Around a million people have benefited by changing their breathing and improving their health.

How can it be that simple?

People are aware what the eat affects their life. How they exercise affects their lives. The reality is that you are only eating three meals a day and may exercise three or four times a week. However you are breathing 15-20,000 times a day. So it makes sense that if you learn to change using a breathing coach programme you can quickly it can have a quick difference to your life.

How does it work?

The programmes we have developed by Breathing Coach were based on techniques based on the work of Danish physiologist Christian Bohr and Professor Konstatin Buteyko. Christian Bohr (the father of Neil's Bohr the nuclear scientist) observed the level of carbon dioxide affects the transport mechanism of oxygen in the blood. This became known as the oxygen dissociation curve.

Konstantin Buteyko as a medical student he was sent to observe how patients died. He thought this would be easy as he expected they would gradually slow their breathing and die. To his surprise he observed the opposite as people got closer to death they started to overbreathe (hyperventilation) sometimes as much as 60 times a minute compared to the normal rate of 14-16 breaths per minute. He concluded after many observations and research that this overbreathing was in fact killing them as their bodies were simply exhausted.

After carrying out more research during the next decade he concluded that 90% of the population was overbreathing causing an immense stress on the body resulting in over 200 symptoms. He understood Christian Bohr work that my changing the level of carbon dioxide affects the efficiency of oxygen transfer from the lungs I to the blood. By learning to breathing in a more relaxed way reduces body stress and enables the body to heal itself.

Other benefits of breathing better

When you learn to change your breathing on one of our programme many experience other additional benefits they didn't even realise.

  • Better sleep

  • Improved concentration

  • Lower heart rates reducing stress

  • Better appetite

  • Sense of well being

By looking after your breathing you are giving yourself the best opportunity to optimise your health. How are you doing at the moment?
Now over to you!

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